Although the recent snowstorm may indicate otherwise, Spring is almost here, and that means AC season is just around the corner! As we approach the warm days of Spring, it’s important to make sure your AC system works before you actually need it to.
Most of the time, simple preventative maintenance and cleaning will be enough to get your AC system ready for the warm weather, but if your system was damaged during the winter, you’ll be happier finding the problem sooner rather than later. Read on for our tips on how to prepare your AC system for Spring in Philadelphia.
Uncover and Clean
If you have any protective winter covers on your unit, make sure to take them off. If you have one, start by inspecting the outdoor condenser unit. It’s an important part of your AC system and is most likely to need cleaning after a long winter. You’ll want to clear away any debris or plant growth that might affect system performance. An easy way to remove dirt and debris is to simply use a garden hose to spray down the condenser. We see a lot of avoidable problems with clogged condensers simply because people forget to remove their winter covers or clear away debris
It’s also a good idea to clean the return and supply vents for your system. You can vacuum the vents yourself or have them professionally cleaned and cleared. This will increase system efficiency and eliminate harmful dirt particles from being circulated around your house.
Check the Wiring and Insulation
Do the connections running from your outdoor condenser into your home look normal? It’s not uncommon for animals to gnaw on wiring or insulated lines running into your house. If you notice any cracked or torn insulation, you can purchase some at a local hardware store and easily replace it. Remember, proper insulation ensures your system is running at peak efficiency. Extreme cold weather can also damage wiring and insulation, so call a trusted HVAC technician if you aren’t sure that your connections are safe and normal.
Change Your Air Filter
Read any one of our previous blog posts, and you’ll see that this is the easiest way to keep your AC system or heater healthy! A clogged air filter will reduce your system’s performance, cause damage to your system, and cost you money in the long run. A clean filter equals a happy and efficient cooling system. They’re easy and cheap to replace, so there’s no excuse for not changing your filter regularly.
Schedule a Tune up
Sometimes, it’s much less of a hassle to have the pros come in and make sure your AC system is ready for the spring. Especially if you aren’t the handy type. Having a professional HVAC tune up ensures you won’t miss any potential problems and can be sure your system will run at its maximum potential. Just make sure you pick the right HVAC tech. During a tune up, your HVAC tech will clean your system, test the electrical components, top off refrigerant, and check intricate components like the capacitor and compressor. Besides, every year you go without an AC tune up, you’ll lose around 5% of your system’s efficiency.
Once you’ve gone through the preventative maintenance steps, turn your system on and give it a quick test. Make sure that the air coming from the vents is cool and you don’t hear any rattling or clanging sounds coming from your system.
If everything runs fine after the test, you’re all finished! When the weather gets hot, you can be sure that your system is ready to go and enjoy that sweet cold air.