Philadelphia Winters Call for Same Day Heating Repair

philadelphia same day heating repair


Remember the crisp fall days in Philadelphia?  Me neither.

Autumn flew by, and winter is here to stay. During the winter months, you can count on two things: holidays and higher heating bills. Most of the time, heaters work without a problem, but unfortunately, they break down from time to time. If your heater stops working, you’ll need it repaired FAST.


At HVAC Philly, we offer same day and 24-hour emergency Heating Repair In Philadelphia  because we don’t want any of our customers suffering through a winter night without heat. We also guarantee the best pricing on a wide range of some of the most recognized names in the industry.


Even with same day heater repair Philadelphia winters can be brutally cold, and it doesn’t take long for a house with a broken heater to get uncomfortably cold. What should you do if your heater breaks during the winter? Read on and we’ll tell you how to stay warm while you wait for your HVAC technician.


Keep the Doors Closed – Any door that opens up to the frigid winter air is going to quickly drain heat from your home. If your heater breaks, only open exterior doors if it’s absolutely necessary. You should also close doors to any rooms you aren’t using. Ideally, you should try to stay in one enclosed room that you can focus on keeping warm.


Bundle Up – This is a no brainer, but wearing extra layers will keep you warm when you need it. Also, a lot of people don’t think about how much heat is lost through the head, so grab your favorite winter hat and keep your noggin toasty. Here’s an extra tip: Bundle up even if your heater is working! You can turn the thermostat down a few degrees and save money on your heating bill.

Why isn’t my furnace not heating?


Block Those Drafts – Everyone has a leaky window they’ve been meaning to fix. If you lose heat and are in a pinch, grab a towel and stop cool drafts from letting in that dreaded Philadelphia winter air. The same goes for drafty door gaps.


Head to the Basement – If you have a basement, it will be your best friend when your heater stops working. The temperature will fluctuate less since you’re underground.

Best Heating or Cooling Options for a Finished Basement


Use the Fireplace – Why not go the old fashioned route when you need to keep warm? A fireplace is nice and cozy, just remember, while it will heat the room you’re in, a fireplace draws heat from the rest of your house. Don’t forget fire safety 101: Make sure the flu is open when you start a fire.


Drink a Hot Beverage – There’s nothing like some hot chocolate or tea to keep you warm while you wait for your heater to be fixed!


Wait at a Friend’s House – What better time to become friends with your neighbors than when you have a broken heater? Let’s be honest, you’d have to be pretty heartless to turn down someone without heat in the dead of the winter.


Hopefully you have enough ideas to keep you warm while you wait for your heater to be repaired! Our technicians are so quick and efficient, that you probably won’t have to use these tips, but hey, knowledge is power.

When they need quality affordable heating repair In Philadelphia they  call  215-725-6111 for great service, the best prices, and unparalleled professionalism.

Stay warm my friends.

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